Kristina Schumacher

Kristina Schumacher

+49 (0)40 39 10 69 89-73

employee profile
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Heating concepts | Climate-neutral district heating | Energy systems

Kristina Schumacher primarily works in the fields of climate-neutral district heating and energy systems at Hamburg Institut.

During her Bachelor’s and Master’s studies, the engineer gained experience in various research projects at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. During these projects, she worked on potential analyses for renewable heat sources and the possible integration of seasonal heat storage systems, among other things. Kristina Schumacher also completed an internship abroad with our Danish cooperation partner PlanEnergi. Her Master’s thesis, for which she received two prizes, was on the subject of “Cost-optimised modelling of a decarbonised district heating supply”.

His consulting expertise:

  • Heating concepts
  • Climate-neutral district heating
  • Energy systems